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Portugal, Law advice, Immigration, Legal Advice

The Migration Action Plan

The Migration Action Plan The Plan, which includes 41 measures for migration, is based on the idea that the country…
Legal, Business, Corporate, Law advice

Bulletproof Your Business

There are around 582 million entrepreneurs in the world today. A study recently conducted found that 62% of Americans…
Legal, Lawyer, Business, Law advice

Can I Get Sued Because I Have a Website?

Creating a website, whether for commercial or private use, is an exciting way to expand your marketing reach, generate…
Law, Lawyer, Business, Corporate, Legal Advice

Top 10 Legal Mistakes Small Businesses Make

In my extensive work with small businesses, I have found a number of common legal issues that come up over and over…
Law, Business, Trademarks, United states

Trademark Law Basics – Protecting Your Brand and Boosting...

What is a Trademark? A trademark is a word or design that identifies and distinguishes products or services in the…

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