The Think Brand not bland Guy's Testimonial

Prior to appointing Phil Strachan, we had for quite some time been aware of the quality of his work and his reputation for delivering value on the business networking circuit. Nonetheless, it was still a major step for us to entrust the future evolution of our ‘brand’ to someone else and to be expected to pay for the privilege of doing so. We need not have worried. It was a great investment. Phil was very patient with us prior to us appointing him in terms of explaining his approach and detailing the various stages and costs of the project.

In summary, we can thoroughly recommend Phil Strachan to anyone who is looking to add value to their business or brand. We got exceptional value from the experience. What we had initially feared might be quite a painful process was actually a wholly enjoyable and totally rewarding one as Phil took us on a journey from what we came to recognise as ‘bland’ through to a real ‘brand’ that we are now very proud of.

Phil’s attention to detail is what sets him apart and he opened our eyes to what our offering really was and what sets us apart from our competitors. With this achieved, he then delivered a new Identity for our business that will take us well into the future and he created a stationery set including business cards that everyone in our business is very proud to hand out.

We learnt a lot about our business and brand and how to communicate and present it in the process – Thank you Phil.


- April 2023
This testimonial was successfuly verified by other source.