
Things people should not do without consulting their I.T. department.

M.I.S. Support, Inc. IT Services Provider

Things people should not do without consulting…

Protecting your organization: Why consulting I.T. is critical for key tech decisions

In our interconnected business landscape, technology serves as the backbone of daily operations, driving efficiency, innovation, and growth. Yet, with great power comes great responsibility. While employees are often empowered to leverage various tech tools to enhance their productivity, certain decisions carry significant risks if made without the expertise of your I.T. department.

 To safeguard your organization and ensure smooth operations, it’s crucial to involve your I.T. team in key technological decisions. Here are some critical actions that should always be done with I.T. consultation first:

  1.  Installing Unauthorized Software:

Security risks: Unauthorized software may contain malware or spyware that could compromise your data and network security.

System conflicts: Unapproved applications might not be compatible with existing systems, causing crashes or operational inefficiencies.

Legal issues: Using software without proper licensing can lead to legal troubles and financial penalties.

Action: Consult I.T. before installation to ensure software is safe, compatible, and compliant with company policies.

  1. Connecting Personal Devices to the Network:

Security vulnerabilities: Personal devices may not have the same level of security as corporate systems, making them potential entry points for cyber threats.

Data leaks: Unauthorized connections can lead to inadvertent data breaches, especially if personal devices are lost or stolen.

Action: Always consult with I.T. to ensure personal devices meet security standards and are properly configured before connecting to the network.

  1. Sharing Sensitive Information Over Unsecured Channels:

Data breaches: Unsecured channels are prime targets for hackers looking to intercept valuable information.

Compliance violations: Sharing data improperly can result in breaches of data protection regulations, leading to fines and reputational damage.

Free unsecure channels: Free communication tools, while convenient and cost-effective, often lack robust security features.

Action: Consult I.T. to use secure, approved methods for transmitting sensitive information. I.T. can provide encrypted email services, secure file-sharing platforms, and other tools designed to keep your communications safe and compliant.

  1. Ignoring System Updates and Security Patches:

Security threats: Many updates include fixes for security vulnerabilities that, if left unpatched, could be exploited by cyber attackers.

Action: Ensure that I.T. handles updates to apply them timely and correctly, minimizing disruptions while keeping systems secure.

At MIS Support, we understand that technology is a vital enabler for modern businesses, but it must be managed wisely. Consulting your I.T. department before taking certain actions or decisions is not just a procedural step—it’s a critical safeguard for your organization’s security, compliance, and operational efficiency.

 By involving your I.T. team in key tech decisions, you help protect your company from risks and ensure a smoother, more secure technological environment. Avoiding problems is always better than fixing them later. Trust your I.T. experts to guide you in making informed choices for your digital tools and practices, so you can stay ahead of potential issues.

  • Technology
  • Tech Support
  • cybersecurity
  • IT Asset Management Software
  • Tech Innovation
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